Welcome to Tsedaqah
Tsedaqah is a missional community based at Liverpool Cathedral, made up of young people from around the Triangle of Hope living together in community for a year. Tsedaqah community members work in a variety of social justice projects across the Liverpool City Region, in conjunction with the Anglican Diocese of Liverpool and Liverpool Cathedral.
Tsedaqah? What Does That Mean?
Tsedaqah is a Hebrew word which means 'righteousness' or 'to do justice', the very reason that this missional community was formed. The instruction in Micah 6:8 inspires our mission as a community. Community members seek to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God. These values are echoed in the words of the Tsedaqah Prayer.
What We Do
Every September, one young person from each point of the Triangle of Hope comes to live and work in Liverpool to give a year of their life in service to God, working in a variety of projects and ministries across the city.
Cross boundaries
As Jesus went to the highways and byways, he sends us beyond our circles and comfort, to witness to the love, justice, and truth of God with our lips and with our lives. We go to listen with humility and to join God in healing a hurting world.
Vigil for Peace
Slavery Truth Project worker Adeyinka Olushonde was among the activists who spoke and prayed at a Vigil for Peace at Liverpool Cathedral in August 2021. Adeyinka spoke about the mission to acknowledge the injustices of the past and build a just future which sets people free, unrestrained by the rich and powerful.
PWM Conference 2020
In 2020, the Tsedaqah community was asked to lead worship for the Black Lives Matter segment of the Archbishop's Council Partnership For World Mission Conference.